Joy to the World the Lord has come!!
What a joy indeed when Angel Gabriel greeted Mary. This beautiful angel carried the message for the world, and he announced the incarnation (THE ANNUNCIATION) to Mary, and our joy was complete, when Mary said “YES” in obedience to the will of God.
In this beautiful mystery we meditate, and relive the moment when Mary said ‘YES’ to the will of God. How often in Life are we disappointed, when things don’t go our way, but God’s ways are different and he knows what we need and provides it at the right time.
Dear Mumma Mary, Teach us to say “Yes” to the will of God, just as you did.
Pray from your heart, pray with all your heart, and pray with a pure heart, and you will be surprised, how God mysteriously works by sending an angel your way with Joyful greetings.
“Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee…” - Angel Gabriel to Mary
There was no looking back when Mary said ‘Yes’, and so her journey began, carrying God in her womb, and travelling to the hill countryside of Judea to the home of her cousin Elizabeth (THE VISITATION), this visit was no ordinary for the little baby John the Baptist leapt in his mother’s womb at the approach of Mary, and Elizabeth gave a cry of joy, in the presence of God within Mary. Elizabeth asked ‘Why is it granted to me that the mother of my Lord, shall come to me?’ Mary stayed in the house of Elizabeth, thus bringing to life the Old Testament revealed in the New. That is: the Ark of the Old Covenant travelled to the hill countryside of Judah to rest in the house of Obed-Edom (2 Sam 6:1-11) {Note: Obed-Edom was a Levite and King David ensured the Ark was within the priesthood, just as Mary who is the Ark of the New Covenant stayed in the house of the Priest}
As John leapt for joy, King David too approached the Ark and danced and leapt with Joy (2 Sam 6:14). King David shouts with joy in the presence of the Holy Ark, and asked how is that the Ark of the Lord comes to me? Just as Mary stayed in the house for 3 months, so did the Ark of the Old Covenant stayed in the house for 3 months!!!
Elizabeth represents the ultimate visit of God to his people.
Dear Mumma Mary, Visit our home and stay with us, only you can lead us to Jesus your loving son. Draw us closer to Jesus, with each passing day to help us experience the Joy of having him in our lives.
“Blessed art thou among women, and Blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus” – Elizabeth to Mary
Carrying God nestled in her womb, Mary returns home from Elizabeth’s house, and gives birth. And ‘The Word’ was made flesh, and dwelt amongst us (THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST). The shepherds who watched their flock by night, were startled when the angels emptied heaven on earth singing ‘Glory to God in the Highest’, the shepherds were lead to the manger by the bright shining star that rested above the manger, leading everyone to the new born King. Silent Night, Holy Night…
Like the Bethlehem star, help us to shine and lead others to Jesus. Shepherds who witnessed the angelic choir, witnessed the joy of welcoming our king into this world.
Dear Mumma Mary, Teach us to welcome with great joy, Jesus in our lives, to live among us and within us, forever….
And the new born king wrapped in swaddling clothes is brought to the temple, forty days after birth for his presentation as the First born Son (THE PRESENTATION). The Presentation of Christ in the Temple is celebrated in the liturgical calendar, 40 days after Christmas on Feb 2. This feast is also called as “Candlemas” to emphasize that Christ is the Light of the World, and for this reason candles are blessed on this day.
This beautiful Joyous mystery cannot forget the man named Simeon, who long awaited the coming of the Messiah. Led by the Holy Spirit he went into the temple, he took the child in his arms and gave thanks to God, his Joy was complete. Simeon’s words for Mary were that of sorrow and pain – the prophecy that is to be fulfilled. Anna too mirrored Simeon’s expectations.
Mary returning to Jerusalem, and presenting God the Son in the temple, reminds us of how the Ark of the Old Covenant eventually ended up in Jerusalem, where the presence of God is revealed in the newly built Temple. (2 Sam 6:12) (1 Kings 8:9-12)
Help us experience the joy of holding Jesus in our lives just the way Simeon and Anna did.
Dear Mumma Mary, Teach us to receive Jesus in the Holy Communion with Joy, Honor and Glory, just like Simeon did.
Now Jesus, all of 12 years old, goes missing 3 days in Jerusalem (FINDING OF JESUS IN THE TEMPLE) just as he will be missing 3 days between his Crucifixion and Resurrection. The Finding of Jesus on the 3rd Day, prefigures the events of Easter. Jesus’ insight as a boy astonished even the learned Rabbis. And Jesus’ response to his parents indicated that he understood his identity as the Son of God and his mission to redeem humanity. Jesus is conscious of being “the Son” as he confirms in Joseph’s presence that God is his Father. Mary and Joseph have an important role to play in his mission, as indicated in scriptures where Jesus submits himself to their leadership and honors them with the faithful obedience of a son.
Obedience to his parents is an Astonishing humility, which the Son of God was pleased to teach by example.
This beautiful mystery has so many learnings for us:
1. Obedience and recognizing God the Father before parents.
2. Through Obedience to God the Father, we learn to honor our parents
3. Learning our Faith much more deeply and standing for your faith before anyone
Dear Mumma Mary, teach us never, to let go Jesus, for you alone know what it felt like when Jesus went missing.
The Joyful Mysteries is all about Love, Humility, Obedience and the Joy in finding God.
For it is only in Joy, that we see the divine light illuminated (Luminous) and in Sorrow the Glory is revealed. These divine revelations make up the Holy Rosary.
We as a couple, understand the struggle one goes through, while praying the rosary... and hope that this article helps you meditate on the life of Christ while praying the rosary…
And when you pray, Satan is kept at bay….
Inputs taken from various sources.